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About Nicole


Nicole Blades is an accomplished author, speaker and journalist with nearly two decades of experience in the media industry. Known for her impactful storytelling across various platforms and dynamic public speaking engagements, she continues to leverage her expertise to empower and inspire diverse audiences.

As a Senior Lifestyle & Service Journalist, Nicole’s insightful cover stories and features have been published in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Runner’s World, Women's Health, and more.

Her novels, such as HAVE YOU MET NORA? and THE THUNDER BENEATH US, are available wherever books are sold. Her storytelling explores complex themes of identity, family, relationships, and belonging. Her novels often focus on the façade and filters people put on to face the world.

She is also a sought-after presenter and keynote speaker who has appeared at the Massachusetts Conference for Women, The Muse & the Marketplace, Well-Read Black Girl Festival, Writer’s Digest Conference, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association Retreat.

Nicole lives in New England with her husband and their son. You may find her on social media at: TikTok, Instagram, Bluesky, and Threads